Convict Conditioning Video Series Outline (Open for Proper Format)


  1. Push ups

    1. Moving Plank

    2. Feet Together

    3. Grip with Hands

    4. Soft Arms at Top

    5. Smooth Descent and Complete Control

    6. Keep Elbows Tight and Fire Lats

    7. Keep Hands Close

    8. Breath In/Down Breathe Out/Up

    9. 2 Seconds Down - Pause - 2 Seconds Up

    10. During 1 Arm Work keep Reps identical for both sides.  Begin with weaker arm.

  2. Leg Raises

    1. No Isolations Movements for the Abs.

    2. Always use the Full Body

    3. Hard Work, Not lots of Work

    4. Biomechanical Breathing

    5. Keep breathing smooth.

    6. Keep Gut Tight

    7. No Momentum

    8. 2 Seconds Down - 2 Seconds Up

    9. 1 Second Pause at Top

    10. Never let feet touch the floor

    11. Train your spine through bridging

  3. Chin Ups

    1. Natural Grip

    2. Begin from the Top

    3. Keep Shoulders Packed

    4. Soft Elbows

    5. Hollow Body

    6. Get Chin over the Bar

    7. No Kipping

    8. Keep Elbows Free

    9. Pause for 2 seconds at the top / 1 second at the bottom

    10. Lose Weight

  4. Squat

    1. 30 to 40 degrees turned out for feet.  Comfortable and Natural.

    2. Push knees out to track feet.

    3. Keep a natural spine.  Don’t round spine forward.  Keep head up and straight.  Keep shoulders square and down.

    4. Lead with the hips.  Sit down and back.

    5. Always use full range of motion.

    6. Never bounce at the bottom.  Pause for 1 second.

    7. Press through the heels.

    8. Biomechanical Match Breathing

    9. Brace the core.

    10. For one legged movements, keep reps the same on both sides.

  5. Bridging

    1. Move for Reps

    2. Seize the Arch

    3. Pause at the top for 2 seconds.

    4. Breathe smoothly and naturally.

    5. Keep feet at shoulder width.

    6. Push through all the limbs.  Use arms and legs.

    7. Use your entire hands.  Grip the floor.

    8. Press your chin up.  Look at the wall behind you.

    9. Raise your hips.

    10. Keep heels flat.

    11. Forward bending following bridging.


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